



Register as Listeners
You’re simply required to fill out the Registration form for Listeners and send it to us via email before the registration deadline. We'll contact you after we review the form.
Registration feeincluded: Attendance to all sessions; Conference program; Name tag;Certificate of presentation; Conference bag; Lunch and coffee break

Register as Presenter (for abstract)
You need to submit the abstract of your paper to us before submission deadline. The conference committee will perform a brief review, and you'll be granted the chance to present your paper as oral presention/poster if it passes the review.
Registration fee included:15 minutes Oral presentation / Poster Presentation; Attendance to all sessions;Conference program; Name tag; Certificate of presentation; Conference bag; Lunch and coffee breaks

Register as Author (for full paper)
You need to submit your full paper to us before submission deadline, which will enter the preliminary review and peer review system. And you'll be informed of the review status of your paper by the notification date. Then your paper will be published into the conference proceedings/journal if accepted, plus you'll be entitled to present your paper at the conference as well. 
Registration fee included: 15 minutes Oral presentation / Poster Presentation; Paper publication; Attendance to all sessions; Conference program; Name tag; Certificate of presentation; Conference bag; Lunch and coffee breaks

Files Needed: (For Authors and Presenters)
(1) The final version of the papers (both MS word file and PDF like: 123.doc and 123. pdf)
(2) Registration form (.xls or.xlsx)
(3) Scanned payment proof (.jpg etc)
(4) Copyright agreement form (Titled as ICAMEM 2025 YOUR PAPER ID+ copyright, like: 123 copyright.pdf) Download the Copyright Your registration WILL NOT be confirmed until all Registration Files above is received in full.

Once you received the acceptance letter, the registration files were sent by eamil as well. Then you should prepare the files below and send them back to [email protected] before the due.

Conference Fee

Fee Notes
Regular Author 500USD/3500RMB Full paper (within 8-10 pages)
Student Author 450USD/3000RMB  Student & Full paper (within 8-10 pages) 
Additional Paper(s) 380USD/2600RMB  More than 1 paper
Additional Page 50USD/300RMB  Charge from 11th page 
Presenters 350USD/2400RMB  Abstract/Poster 
Listeners 200USD/1200RMB  Join in 

Payment Method:
1. Pay by Bank Transfer 
* The link for Credit Card payment and the Bank Information can be found in the registration form.
2. Paypal

ICAMEM 2025 Online Registration
Your Paper ID/Invoice No.


Attendees wish to cancel their conference registration and seek a refund for personal reasons, the following policy regarding refunds will be applied:
1. Cancellation made 60 days prior of the conference date, 100% of the payment will be refunded (Bank/transaction fee charged by the third party will not applied).
2. If cancellation is initiated at least 30 days prior of the conference date, a refund equivalent to 50% of the payment made will be issued.
3. No refunds will be provided for cancellations made within 30 days of the conference start date.
4. All no shows will not be eligible for refunds. Requests for cancellation and refund must be submitted via email. It should be noted that the organizing committee cannot be held responsible for circumstances beyond our control, such as inclement weather, campus conditions, travel disruptions, visa issues, or health-related concerns.


ICAMEM is not authorized to assist with the VISA process beyond providing the Notification of Acceptance Letter and Invitation Letter (after registration) issued by the ICAMEM Committee Board.
Should your application be denied, ICAMEM cannot change the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hongkong, nor will ICAMEM engage in discussion or correspondence with the MOFA or the Embassy of HK on behalf of the applicant. The registration fee cannot be refunded when the VISA application of individual being denied.

14th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Materials

Contact Us

If you have any questions or queries on ICAMEM 2025, please contact us by. Email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2025-All Rights Reserved-ICAMEM 2025