Invited Speakers



Invited speakers

ICAMEM 2025 invited experts in catalytic and materials research attend conference and deliver invited speech. If you are interested in attending us, please send your CV with your speech title and abstract to us [email protected]



Dr. Hamid Pourasiabi
The University of Queensland, Australia
Speech Title: Tribological behaviour of high chromium white case irons

Hamid Pourasiabi is a Materials and Metallurgical Engineer (BEng, MEng, PhD) with over 17 years of research, development, professional engineering and teaching experience in the areas of physical metallurgy; tribology, wear and abrasion science; ferrous metallurgy; foundry and casting; heat treatment; characterization of materials; evaluation of mechanical, tribological and physical properties of materials. He works in the Global Innovation team at Molycop as the Senior Tribology Engineer. Molycop is the world’s largest manufacturer of steel grinding media and a technical service provider to the mining and mineral processing industries. The company has a global network of manufacturing facilities, distribution centres and regional sales offices, servicing over 400 mines across 40 countries. Hamid is also affiliated with The University of Queensland as an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow.



Dr. Parvez Alam
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Speech title: The design of novel metamaterials from biological analogues

Parvez Alam is a Reader in Mechanical Engineering at The University of Edinburgh. He also holds Adjunct Professorships at AAU, Finland and at UGM, Indonesia. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, and a Chartered Mechanical Engineer. His activities and interests are in the fields of biomimetic design, mechanical metamaterials and composites engineering. He researches a number of different biological organisms from a structure-properties perspective, and is active in developing mechanical materials and multi-body systems.




The 14th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Materials

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