Contact Us



Contact Us

The Secretary office of ICAMEM will collect contributions and finish daily organizing work. All paper review process will be completed by Program Committee and Technical Committee Members. If you have any question, please feel free to contact our conference secretary.

Conference Secretary: Summer Wang
For Submission Inquiries: [email protected]
For Program Inquiries: [email protected]

Q& A

1) How to participate in conference

The conference committee will decide whether to hold an online or visa conference according to the actual situation (including changes in the epidemic situation). We will Create a meeting schedule before the meeting and inform the participants in time.

2) How to become a keynote speaker

If you are interested in giving a keynote speech in ICAMEM conference, you can send your personal CV, title and abstract of your speech to [email protected]

3) How to pay

When you complete your registration with ICAMEM, you can pay the registration fee by bank transfer.

4) Will certificates be provided

After paying the registration fee, we will provide an invoice as a proof, and we will also provide you with a proof of attendance after attending the conference.

5) What should I do if I want to publish an article?

Ans: You can send the article abstract to [email protected] for review, but we recommend that you submit the full paper to the OpenConf system.

The 14th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Materials

Contact Us

If you have any questions or queries on ICAMEM 2025, please contact us by. Email: [email protected]

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